Sako Rifle Serial Number Lookup

Now you can enter the serial number of your firearm and be directed to the correct schematic for it as well as order parts through our partners Brownells, Inc. and Midwest Gun Works. Additionally, you can see the approximate date of manufacture as well as being able to view/download an owners manual, choke tube information (where applicable and available) and product literature relevant to your firearm when we have the information available. We have recently added barrel information as well.


1960s, it has the Bofors Steel stamp on the barrel and a serial number in the 12000s. Browse all new and used Sako Rifles for sale and buy with confidence from Guns. Sako L61R 'Finnbear' 7 M/M Rem Mag. Serial number 12xxx. Sako/Tikka Serial Number Check. It looks exactly like the Sako 75 Custom Big game deluxe minus the front sight, but all else looks exact. According to Sako that gun is only available in 416. If any of you guys can help I will try to provide some info that may help. Serial number is 9369xx. The only markings on the barrel are Sako V and Imported by Stoeger. No pictures but it is a SAko 30-06 made in finnland and imported by Stoger. Has only AIII before the serial number followed by what looks like a shield then a RS or RZ mark? Looks like a single front lug rifle.

Sako Rifle Serial Number Lookup

Pleaseenter the serial number of your firearm below and click search. Thisapplication only works for firearms imported and distributed by BerettaUSA Corp. from 1988 to date. If the search does not provide a return,your firearm may be older in which case you should see this link.


For the search to work, please enter your serial number in all UPPERCASE letters and numbers with no spaces between the characters. Be certain to not confuse numeric and alphabetic characters, such as O's for zeros or we will be unable to locate your serial number. Only enter the serial number and no additional information. Do not insert spaces between any character in your serial number. For example: use BER431605 and not BER 431605.

If there is a 'Y' at the end of your serial number, please omit this character when entering your serial number.

Sako Rifle Serial Number Lookup

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