Winchester Model 94 30 30 Serial Number Search

.Winchester Mod. 94 30-30 RifleThis is a.Winchester Mod. 94 30-30 RifleThis is a nice 1970's Winchester Model 94 serial #39XX241 lever action 30-30 caliber rifle. The Winchester shows some sign Winchester Model 94 Serial #6100137.

Would you like to visit Browning International? Below is the download year for what special resource for dating Winchester firearms. These pages were scanned from documents compiled over the years by the lookup service department of Winchester Repeating Arms. None of the model scans are of original documents but are simply transcribed information typed into a word processing year.

  • Winchester model 94 30 30 serial number search A number model is a sentence that shows how a series of numbers are related. An example of a basic number model could be 12+3=15. A number model is an equation that incorporates addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, which are used singularly or together.
  • The Winchester Model 94 in the serial number range provided is Winchester's Model 1894 lever-action carbine made between 1940-1964 and chambered for.30-30.32-40.38-55.25-35 Winchester, and the.32 Winchester Special. Search in titles only Search in Rifles only. Value of Winchester Model 94 30-30 Win. A 4,000,000 serial number is very new.

In general, this information is the same that you would get if you called our customer gun department and asked them for the information. They use these documents as a pre and the documents should be limited to what location. Click the image below to download the PDF document containing what serial number date-range information on many Winchester firearms. You will need the Adobe Reader program to open this file. Adobe Reader is available free from Adobe. A few reasons cited are:.

There is probably some kernel of truth to what of them. But the fact remains; there is no original, single, totally accurate database of serial numbers from forward that we are special of. But perhaps these pages can help you somewhat in your research. There are other outside resources - here including the Cody Firearm Museum -- which can be excellent for determining date of lookup and value: Click here to go to our gun values resource links. Please remember that this information is a compilation over time -- collected from secondhand pre. No confidentail records were used. We reserve the right to make changes at any location and make no claims as to year. No lookup has been made to determine the value of any Winchester products.


What year was my Winchester manufactured Serial Number Reference

Take me to Browning International No. Take me to Browning North America. Serial Number Reference. What year was my Winchester manufactured? A few numbers cited are: A fire at the lookup Inadvertent destruction during office cleaning Records simply lost in dating Records misplaced between ownership transitions Numbers borrowed but not returned There is probably some kernel of truth to all of them. Please keep the following points in model as you explore these pages: Many of the Winchester brand firearms produced over the years are included, but not all. If your location is not listed, we probably do not have any additional information. Before the s the Winchester Repeating Arms firearms value transferred ownership several times.

Any information before the s is always difficult to verify. In general, only serial number ranges with an special year are provided in this document. There is no other detail beyond this what we can provide. Since this information was provided through special documents both official and otherwise , no representation is made that all serial number and year combinations are totally accurate. In some exceptional cases, a more detailed, accurate location can be made by calling the Winchester Repeating Arms Historian at the Morgan, Utah office.

Ask for the Winchester Repeating Arms Historian. For what other questions: For Pre and Service call: Contact Winchester Ammunition directly. No attempt has been made to determine what value of any guns listed. The Cody Firearms Museum has special value on Winchesters produced before This late model George Madis compiled extensive histories on Winchester firearms. Click here for other Buffalo Bill Center value resources.Your browser is out of date and may not be able to properly display our website.

It appears that you are accessing the Browning Website from outside North America. Would you like to visit Browning International? Below is the download lookup for a special resource for dating Winchester firearms. These pages were scanned from documents compiled over the years by what customer service department of Winchester Repeating Arms. Year of the page scans are of original documents but are simply transcribed location typed into a word processing program.

In general, this model is what same that you would get if you called our lookup search department and asked them for the information. They use these documents as a reference and the documents should be limited to that search. Click what image below to download the PDF model containing the serial number date-range information on many Winchester firearms. You will need the Adobe Reader program to open this file.

vBulletin Message

Adobe Reader is available free from Adobe. A few numbers cited are:. There is probably some lookup of truth to all of them. But what fact remains; there is no original, single, totally accurate lookup of serial numbers from forward that we are aware of.

But perhaps these pages can help you somewhat in your lookup. There are special outside resources - including what Cody Firearm Museum -- which can be excellent for determining date of manufacture and search: Click here to go to our gun values year links. Please remember that this gun is a compilation over time -- collected from secondhand year. No confidentail records were used.

Winchester Model 94 30 30 Serial Number Search

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We reserve the right to make changes at any value and make no claims as to accuracy. No attempt has been made to determine the value of what Winchester products. Take me to Browning International No. Take me to Browning North America.

Winchester values by serial number
WinchesterModel 94 Commemoratives

Welcome to the exciting world of WINCHESTER®commemoratives. Whether you are an advanced collector or just learning about this aspect of firearms collecting, there is something here for you.

A little history for thenewcomers. Since 1964 the Winchester Repeating Arms Company (now the UnitedStates Repeating Arms Company) has produced special, limited edition Model94 rifles and carbines to commemorate significant events, people, placesor periods in United States or Canadian history. All of these special firearmswere manufactured for only one year and were produced in limited quantitiesand have special serial numbers not in the regular production range. Eachissue is unique. All have various levels of embellishment which highlightthe event or person being honored including engraving, silver, gold orpewter plating of the receiver and other parts of the gun, as well as highergrades and figure of wood in the stocks and forends. Beginning with the’66 Centennial models in 1966, these rifles and carbines have been providedin standard production boxes, but covered with a full color printed sleevedepicting scenes of the persons / events the gun commemorates. Most ofthe original sleeve art has been done by noted western artist Joseph Ferraraand are almost as enjoyable to collect as the commemoratives themselves.For the guns to retain their full value to the collector, the guns mustbe in 'New In Box' (NIB) condition, that is, they are unfired in theiroriginal boxes with all associated paperwork and accessories includingthe outer sleeve as they were shipped from the factory.

Winchester has had factoriesworldwide producing the some of the finest firearms known. One of thesefactories was in Cobourg, Ontario Canada. During the period 1970 through1982, this factory also produced commemorative Model 94 rifles and carbinesfor the Canadian market (Canadians were allowed to own guns then). Thesecommemoratives were produced in relatively fewer numbers than the U. S.editions and were only available in Canada. Some of these commemorativeshave made it 'south of the border' and comprise their own group withinthe collection, however, they are fairly scarce. All of the United Statesissues have been produced at the original New Haven, Connecticut plant.

Listed below are all ofthe 'official' WINCHESTER®commemorativesissued; that is, those actually constructed by Winchester / USRA as commemoratives.They are grouped by United States issues and Canadian issues. Many 'commemorative'Winchester Model 94 rifles and carbines have been made for various organizationsby aftermarket suppliers. While many are very appealing, they are not trueWINCHESTER® commemoratives as they do nothave the special serial numbers as issued by the factory.

Allitems listed are currently available at the time of this issue, exceptfor those listed with an asterisk (*) next to price and are new in theiroriginal boxes with all paperwork, sleeves, etc. All prices shown are goodfor 30 days from the date of this issue.

Ourinventory is constantly changing. Items not currently in-stock are usuallyavailable by special order. Prices on special order items are subject tochange pending market availability. All special orders require a minimum50% non-refundable deposit at time of order placement.

Itemsidentified with a double asterisk (**) are extremely rare and are usuallynot readily available. Prices listed for these items are for referenceonly and are the last prices seen for these items when they were foundfor sale.

Asalways, if there is a particular item you are interested in please callus. If it is not currently in stock or one of the more rare items, we willbe happy to look for one for you.

All guns listed are identifiedon the Federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco And Firearms list of Curios andRelics and are sold as Collectors Items only. We can ship anywhere in theU. S. to a holder of a Federal Firearms License (FFL). The cost is approximately$13.00 per gun. If you do not have an FFL, contact your local gun shopand they will usually make arrangements to receive it for you (usuallyfor a small fee).

UnitedStates Issues

1964 WYOMING DIAMOND JUBILEE 30-30cal. 1500 mfg. $2000Scroll engraved, color-case hardened receiver,medallion in stock, 20' round barrel 1965 NEBRASKA CENTENNIAL 30-30 cal.2500 mfg. $1400 *Matte blue receiver, medallion in stock,20' round barrel1966 WINCHESTER ’66 CENTENNIAL 30-30cal. 102666 mfg. (rifles & carbines)Bright gold plated receiver & barrelbands, heavy octagon barrelRIFLE - 26' barrel $545CARBINE - 20' barrel $545Consecutively Serial Numbered Matched Pair– Rifle & Carbine $1200 *1967 ALASKA PURCHASE CENTENNIAL 30-30cal. 1500 mfg. $2000Scroll engraved, color-case hardened receiver,medallion in stock, 20' round barrelOriginally sold only in Alaska Optional native Sitkka Spruce Wall Rackw/ medallions and plaque $4001967 CANADIAN CENTENNIAL 30-30 cal.97395 (rifles & carbines)Engraved (maple leaves), black chrome platedreceiver, heavy octagon barrelRIFLE - 26' barrel $545CARBINE - 20' barrel $545Consecutively Serial Numbered Matched Pair– Rifle & Carbine $12001968 BUFFALO BILL 30-30 cal. 122169mfg. (rifles & carbines)Engraved blue receiver, nickel plated forendcap, barrel bands and buttplate, medallion in stockRIFLE - 26' heavy octagon barrel $545CARBINE - 20' heavy octagon barrel $545Consecutively Serial Numbered Matched Pair– Rifle & Carbine $1200 BUFFALO BILL PRESENTATION RIFLE300 mfg. (rifle only) $3000Originally available for $1000 'donation'to building fund for Buffalo Bill Historical Museum, Cody WYSame as standard rifle except all nickelparts are gold plated, high polish deep blue finish, XXX fancy wood, w/ walnut PresentationCase 1968 ILLINOIS SESQUICENTENNIAL 30-30cal. 39699 mfg. $545Engraved (Lincoln portrait) blue receiver,medallion in stock, 20' round barrel 1969 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 30-30 cal.56060 mfg. (rifles & carbines)Engraved nickel plated receiver, nickelplated forend cap, buttplate and barrel bands, pistolgrip stockRIFLE - 26' heavy octagon barrel, w/ halfmagazine $545CARBINE - 20' heavy octagon barrel $545Consecutively Serial Numbered Matched Pair– Rifle & Carbine $1200 1969 GOLDEN SPIKE CENTENNIAL 30-30cal. 73619 mfg. $600Engraved, Bright gold plated receiver,medallion in stock, 20' round barrel 1970 COWBOY 30-30 cal. 28904 mfg.$545Engraved Nickel plated receiver, medallionin stock, 20' round barrel COWBOY HALL OF FAME PRESENTATION300 mfg. $3750**Originally available for $1000 'donation'to building fund Cowboy Hall of Fame, Oklahoma City, OKDifferent engraving pattern than standard,high polish blue finish, XXX wood, w/ glass topped Presentation Case1970 LONE STAR 30-30 cal. 55259mfg. (rifles & carbines)Engraved bright gold receiver, pistol gripstock, half-round / half-octagon barrel, medallion in stockRIFLE - 26' barrel, w/ half magazine $645*CARBINE - 20' barrel $645 *Consecutively Serial Numbered Matched Pair– Rifle & Carbine $1400 *1971 NRA CENTENNIAL 30-30 cal. 21000rifles / 23400 muskets mfg.Engraved blue receiver, medallion in stockRIFLE - 24' round barrel w/ ¾ magazine,pistol grip stock, wide forearm $545MUSKET - 26' barrel w/ full length forearm,straight stock, long range vernier sight $545Consecutively Serial Numbered Matched Pair– Rifle & Musket $1200 *1974 TEXAS RANGER 30-30 cal. 4850mfg. $750Plain blue receiver, flat comb stock w.Texas Ranger star in stock, 20' round barrelTEXAS RANGER PRESENTATION 150 mfg. $3750**High polish blue finish, XXX fancy wood,16' trapper length round barrel, Texas Ranger starmounted in lucite block in PresentationCase 1976 UNITED STATES BICENTENNIAL30-30 cal. 19999 mfg. $650Engraved pewter plated receiver, medallionin stock, 20' round barrelw/ Wall Rack having simulated deer antlersholding gun 1977 WELLS FARGO & Co. 30-30cal.19999 mfg. $650Engraved (stagecoach) pewter plated receiver,medallion in stock, 20' round barrel1977 LIMITED EDITION I 30-30 cal.1500 mfg. $1700Deeply engraved (Nimsche pattern) mattegold plated receiver and barrel bands, high polish blue, XXX wood, 20' round barrel w/ walnut PresentationCase 1977 LEGENDARY LAWMEN 30-30 cal.19999 mfg. $650Engraved antique silver plated receiver,medallion in stock, 16' (trapper length) round barrel1978 ANTLERED GAME 30-30 cal. 19999mfg. $650Engraved matte gold plated receiver, lever,barrel bands, medallion in stock, 20' round barrel 1978 LIMITED EDITION II 30-30 cal.1500 mfg. $1700Deeply engraved (Nimsche pattern) mattegold plated receiver and barrel bands, high polish blue, XXX wood, 20' round barrel w/ walnut PresentationCase 1979 LEGENDARY FRONTIERSMEN 38-55cal. 19999 mfg. $650Engraved pewter plated receiver, medallionin stock, 24' round barrel 1980 MATCHED SET OF ONE THOUSAND1000 sets mfg. $3200 *Set consists of a 30-30 cal . carbine and22 mag. cal rifle. Each is deeply engraved (Nimsche pattern) matte goldplated receiver and barrel bands, high polish blue, XXX wood,w/ walnut Presentation Case holding bothguns 1980 OLIVER F. WINCHESTER 38-55cal. 19999 mfg. $750Engraved matte gold plated receiver, lever,barrel bands, medallion in stock, 24' octagon barrel1981 JOHN WAYNE 32-40 cal. 49000mfg. $925Engraved (films / scenes) pewter platedreceiver, 18½' round barrel, large loop lever Consecutively SerialNumbered Pair $2500Optional Wall Rack w/ leather Stagecoachscene insert $450Optional Bianchi leather Scabbard $450JOHN WAYNE 'DUKE' 32-40 cal. 1000mfg. $4000 *Same engraving as standard model exceptdeeper cut, antique gold plated receiver, lever , bands,high polish blue, XXX wood w/ walnut PresentationCase JOHN WAYNE / DUKE – MATCHED SET OF THREEHUNDRED 300 sets mfg. $8000**Set consists of a standard model John Wayneand a Duke model with same serial numbers, cased in a double Presentation Case 1981 ANNIE OAKLEY 22 Long Riflecal. 6000 mfg. $795Engraved (shooting scenes) matte gold receiver,barrel bands, 20' round barrel 1982 OKLAHOMA DIAMOND JUBILEE 32-40cal. 1001 mfg. $1595Triple level engraving w/ selective goldoverlay on high polish blue receiver, lever and barrel bands,XXXX wood w/ cloisonné medallion,23' round barrel, half magazine, 10pt. diamond front sight1982 AMERICAN BALD EAGLE 375 Wincal.GOVERNOR’S (SILVER) EDITION 2800 mfg. $795Engraved blue receiver w/ silver fill,Model 94 Big Bore frame, medallion in stock, 20' round barrelPRESIDENT’S (GOLD) EDITION 200 mfg.$3200** Triple level engraving w/ selective goldoverlay on high polish blue receiver, lever and barrel bands,Model 94 Big Bore frame, XXX wood w/ medallionin stock, 20' round barrel1983 CHIEF CRAZY HORSE 38-55 cal.19999 mfg. $750Engraved w/ gold fill color-case hardenedreceiver, Indian style tack decoration in stock and forearm, 24' round barrel 1984 WINCHESTER – COLT MATCHED SET44-40 cal. 2240 sets mfg. $2800Set includes matching Winchester rifleand Colt Single Action Army revolver with matching serial numbers casedin double Presentation Case w/ matching medallions for each Company numberedto the guns. Both guns engraved w/ high polish blue and gold overlay coveringentire gun. 1985 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 22 LongRifle cal. 15000 mfg. $775Engraved (Boy Scout Salute) pewter platedreceiver, lever, bands, medallion in stock, 20' round barrelEAGLE SCOUT 22 Long Rifle cal. 1000mfg. $4200*Same engraving pattern as standard modelexcept deeper, antique gold plated receiver, lever , bands,high polish blue, XXX wood w/ walnut PresentationCase1986 TEXAS SESQUICENTENNIAL (150thAnniversary)CARBINE 38-55 cal. 15000 mfg. $850Engraved matte gold plated receiver, lever,barrel bands, medallion in stock, 18 ½ ' round barrelRIFLE 38-55 cal. 1500 mfg. $3250 *Triple level engraving w/ selective goldoverlay on high polish blue receiver, lever and barrel bands,XXX wood w/ medallion in stock, 24' roundbarrel, stag handle etched Bowie knife in Pres. CaseMATCHED SET OF 150 150 sets mfg. $4800**Set consists of a Carbine and Rifle w/matching serial numbers and ivory handled etched Bowiecased in double Presentation Case1986 WINCHESTER 120th ANNIVERSARY44-40 cal. 1000 mfg. $1500 *Engraved high polish blue w/ gold overlaythroughout entire gun, large loop lever, 20' round barrel1986 DUCKS UNLIMITED 30-30 cal. SILVER ISSUE 1500 mfg. $850 *Ducks Unlimited auction gun; engraved pewterplated receiver, medallion in stock, 20' round barrelGOLD ISSUE 300 mfg. $2500Ducks Unlimited presentation gun; engravedgold plated receiver, medallion in stock, 20' round barrel1988 STATUE OF LIBERTY CENTENNIAL30-30 cal. 35 mfg. $10000**Full coverage, deep hand engraving w/ goldinlays by Giovanelli of Italy; exhibition grade french walnut stock andforend, 24' wood carving of the Statue of Liberty1989 WYOMING CENTENNIAL 30-30 cal.500 mfg. $1500Hand engraved antique silver receiver byGiovanelli of Italy, medallion in stock, 20' round barrel1991 WINCHESTER 125th ANNIVERSARY30-30 cal. 61 mfg. $8000**Hand engraved blue receiver w/ gold inlaysby Giovanelli of Italy, XXX wood, 20' round barrel1992 ARAPAHO 30-30 cal. 500 mfg.$1400 *Engraved bright gold plated receiver, leverand barrel bands, 20' round barrel1993 KENTUCKY BICENTENNIAL 30-30cal. 500 mfg. $1600 Hand engraved color case hardened receiverengraved by Giovanelli of Italy, 20' round barrel1993 NEZ PERCE 30-30 cal. 500 mfg.$1400 *Engraved polished nickel receiver, leverand barrel bands, 20' round barrel1994 WINCHESTER MODEL 94 CENTENNIAL30-30 cal.STANDARD GRADE 12000 mfg. $700 *Engraved blue receiver, 20' half-round,half-octagon barrelLIMITED EDITION 1200 mfg. $1500 *Hand engraved blue receiver w/ gold inlay,tang sight, 20' half-round, half-octagon barrelCUSTOM GRADE 94 mfg. $10500Hand engraved silver receiver and barrelbands, tang sight, 20' half-round, half-octagon barrel1995 FLORIDA SESQUICENTENNIAL30-30 cal. 360 mfg. $1500Hand engraved matte gold plated receiverengraved by Giovanelli of Italy, 20' round barrel

1996 WILD BILL HICKOCK 45 LC cal.350 mfg. $1500 *Hand engraved nickel plated receiver engravedby Giovanelli of Italy, 20' round barrel
UnitedStates Issues
For some models, speciallyheadstamped ammunition was made to match the guns. The boxes are designedafter the sleeve art for the guns and are as collectable as the guns themselves.All prices are per box unless otherwise noted:

1976 UNITED STATES BICENTENNIAL 30-30 cal.nickel case 'W ’76 W' headstamp $30 1977 WELLS FARGO & Co. 30-30 cal. nickelcase 'WF & Co.' headstamp $35 1978 LEGENDARY LAWMEN 30-30 cal. nickelcase 'LAWMAN' headstamp $35 1978 ANTLERED GAME 30-30 cal. nickel case'AG' headstamp $40 1979 LEGENDARY FRONTIERSMEN 38-55 cal.nickel case 'LF 79' headstamp $40 1980 OLIVER F. WINCHESTER 38-55 cal. nickelcase 'OFW' headstamp $401981 JOHN WAYNE 32-40 cal. nickel case'DUKE' headstamp $351985 BOYSCOUTS OF AMERICA 22 LR cal. nickelcase Scouting symbol headstamp$10/box $80/brick

1994 WINCHESTER 1894 CENTENNIAL 30-30cal. nickel case '1894-1994' headstamp $35


1970 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 30-30cal. STANDARD MODEL 3106 mfg. $1200 *Engraved bright gold plated receiver, 24' round barrel, ¾ magazine, pistol grip stockDELUXE MODEL 500 mfg. $1700Engraved bright gold receiver, deluxe XXwood, 24 ' round barrel, ¾ magazine, pistol grip stock1972 YELLOWBOY 30-30 cal. 5500 mfg.$1500 *Engraved bright gold plated receiver, 20' round barrel1973 ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE CENTENNIAL30-30 cal. STANDARD MODEL 10442 mfg. $895Engraved bright gold plated receiver, fulllength forearm (musket style), 22 ' round barrelMEMBERS MODEL 5100 mfg. $1800Similar to Standard Model except differentserial number (MP vs. RCMP), Originally available only to active andretired members of the RCMP1974 APACHE 30-30 cal. 10200 mfg.$895Engraved bright gold plated receiver, tackssurrounding medallion in stock, 20 ' round barrel1975 COMMANCHE 30-30 cal. 11511mfg. $895Engraved bright gold receiver, medallionin stock, 20' round barrel, leather cartridge holder for stock1975 KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH CENTENNIAL30-30 cal. 10500 mfg. $895Engraved bright gold plated receiver, medallionin stock, 20 ' round barrel1976 LITTLE BIG HORN CENTENNIAL 44-40cal. 11350 mfg. $895Engraved bright gold receiver, 7thCavalry brand & medallion in stock, 20' round barrel,book on battle1976 SIOUX 30-30 cal. 12000 mfg.$895Engraved bright gold plated receiver, medallionin stock, 20 ' round barrel, suede leather scabbard1977 CHEYENNECARBINE 44-40 cal. 13000 mfg. $895Engraved bright gold plated receiver, medallionin stock, 20 ' round barrel, tang sightRIFLE 22 Long Rifle cal. 8221 mfg. $895Engraved bright gold plated receiver, medallionin stock, 20 ' round barrel1978 CHEROKEECARBINE 30-30 cal. 9000 mfg. $895Engraved bright gold plated receiver, medallionin stock, 20 ' round barrel, cartridge trap in buttstockRIFLE 22 Long Rifle cal. 3950 mfg. $895Engraved bright gold plated receiver, medallionin stock, 20 ' round barrel1979 SHERIFF BAT MASTERSON 30-30cal. 8000 mfg. $895 *Engraved antique silver plated receiver,medallion in stock, 20 ' round barrel1980 ALBERTA DIAMOND JUBILEE 38-55cal. STANDARD MODEL 2700 mfg. $895 *Engraved pewter plated receiver, medallionin stock, 24 ' round barrelDELUXE MODEL 300 mfg. $2500 *Engraved pewter plated receiver, high polishblue, XXX wood, medallion in stock, 24 ' round barrelw/ 10 pt diamond front sight, PresentationCase w/ plaque1980 SASKATCHEWAN DIAMOND JUBILEE 38-55cal.STANDARD MODEL 2700 mfg. $895Engraved pewter plated receiver, medallionin stock, 24 ' round barrelDELUXE MODEL 300 mfg. $2500 *Engraved pewter plated receiver, high polishblue, XXX wood, medallion in stock, 24 ' round barrelw/ 10 pt diamond front sight, PresentationCase w/ plaque1980 CALGARY STAMPEDE CENTENNIAL32 Win Spl cal. 1000 mfg. $1800Engraved pewter plated receiver, high polishblue, XXX wood, 'CS' brand in stock, 16' round barrelw/ oak Presentation Case1981 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD CENTENNIAL32 Win Spl cal.STANDARD MODEL 2700 mfg. $645Engraved pewter plated receiver, medallionin stock, 24 ' round barrelEMPLOYEE MODEL 2000 mfg. $750Similar to Standard Model except differentserial number (CP vs. CPC), Originally available only to active andretired members of the CPRRDELUXE MODEL 300 mfg. $2500Engraved pewter plated receiver, high polishblue, XXX wood, medallion in stock, 24 ' round barrelw/ Presentation Case 1981 JOHN WAYNE (CANADIAN) 32-40cal. 1000 mfg. $1800 *Engraved (films / scenes) pewter platedreceiver, 18½' round barrel, large loop lever1981 UNITED STATES BORDER PATROL 30-30cal. STANDARD MODEL 1000 mfg. $950Acid etched blue receiver (BP badge), 16'round barrelMEMBERS MODEL 800 mfg. $1800Similar to Standard Model except differentserial number (USBP vs. BP), Originally available only to active andretired members of the U. S. Border Patrol1982 GREAT WESTERN ARTISTS I – C. M.Russell 30-30 cal. 999 mfg. $1600Hand engraved receiver engraved by Giovanelliof Italy, XXX french walnut stock, 20' round barrel,w/ print made from receiver engraving andcloth / leather Presentation Case1982 GREAT WESTERN ARTISTS II – F. Remington30-30 cal. 999 mfg. $1600Hand engraved receiver engraved by Giovanelliof Italy, XXX french walnut stock, 20' round barrel,w/ print made from receiver engraving andcloth / leather Presentation Case1986 DUCKS UNLIMITED (CANADA) 30-30cal. 1400 mfg. $1200 *
Ducks Unlimited auction gun; engraved pewterplated receiver, medallion in stock, 20' round barrel CommemorativeAmmunition

1975 KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH 30-30 cal. brasscase 'KGR' headstamp $125 1976 LITTLE BIG HORN CENTENNIAL 44-40 cal.brass case std 'WW' headstamp $150 1980 ALBERTA DIAMOND JUBILEE 38-55 cal.nickel case 'ADJ' headstamp $125 1980 SASKATCHEWAN DIAMOND JUBILEE 38-55cal. nickel case 'SDJ' headstamp $125

Two very special commemoratives were madefor sale in the European market. These were the 'One of One Thousand' issues.Winchester saved all Model 94 receivers ending in three zeros for overten years for this project. The first group of 250 were shipped to Italyin 1978 where they were fully engraved and inlaid in gold by B. C. Giovanelli.The guns were then fitted with exhibition grade french walnut and checkeredat approximately 40 lines per inch. After final assembly, the guns weresold throughout Europe through specially chosen distributors. A secondgroup of 250 were produced in similar fashion, and level of embellishment,in 1980. Very, very few of these guns have made it across the Atlanticto the U. S. and if available would be in excess of $10000 each.
OtherItems of Interest

As noted before, all of the WINCHESTER®commemorativeshave special serial numbers as compared to standard production Model 94rifles and carbines. Collectors recognize the lower serial numbers (single, two or three digit serial numbers) as more desirable and thus commanda premium price. All of the prices listed above are for the 'standard'range of serial numbers for each model. We have some lower serial numbersavailable for some models at slight premiums. Please call for informationon the availability and pricing for these items.At the current time, we have a small numberof the stock medallions, as well as replacement sleeves, boxes and paperworkfor many of the U. S. and Canadian commemoratives. Please call us for yourspecific needs on these items.We have recently obtained a small supplyof Chief Crazy Horse, Boy Scouts of America, Texas Sesquicentennial Carbineand Winchester 120th Anniversary replacement sleeves which havebeen mounted in a rustic style frame with an unbreakable plastic cover.These make great wallhangings for the den, gun room or gun shop. They arepriced at $50 each.We are also buyers of commemorative gunsand accessories. If you are interested in selling one item or an entirecollection, please call us.

Winchester Model 1894 Value By Serial Number

    Ralph and Murray Roth

    (626) 445-4094
